This study focuses on, by means of a probabilstic aproach, the seismic safety evaluation
of a schol building in Turkey designed before the introduction of modern anti-seismic codes. A
typical schol building which was designed acording to the 1975 version of the Turkish
Earthquake Code is selected for the performance asesment. Inelastic pushover and time history
analyses are deployed under the efect of one hundred input ground motions. Fragilty curves are
generated for diferent concrete and detailng quality in terms of peak ground velocity. The
probabilstic seismic response and vulnerabilty of the schol are investigated by building
fragilty curves of the system and of its most vulnerable components. The results ilustrate the
significance of asesing the vulnerabilty of typical schol buildings under the efect of various
seismic scenarios and the ned for extending this study to cover other typical clases of schol
buildings in the region.