Intermediate Structural Dynamics

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with an understanding of the response of structural systems to time-varying dynamic loads and displacements. The student will study the response of single degree-offreedom (DOF) and multi-DOF systems to harmonic and general loading conditions so that the theoretical bases of earthquake, blast, impact, and other structural loadings are understood. Solution methods for free vibration and forced vibration of single and multi-DOF systems will be studied. Response spectrum analysis for support excitation (earthquake motions) will be studied.

Course Content

Week Topic
1 Single Degree of Freedom Systems;Free Vibration (Undamped free vibration, Viscously Damped Free Vibration)
2 Response to Harmonic and Periodic Excitation (Harmonic vibration of undamped systems, Harmonic vibration of viscous damping, Response to a vibration generator
3 Response to Harmonic and Periodic Excitation (Harmonic vibration of undamped systems, Harmonic vibration of viscous damping, Response to a vibration generator
4 Response to Arbitrary, Step and Pulse Excitations (Response to unit impulse, Response to arbitrary force, Step force, Ramp or Linearly increasing force, Step force with rise time)
5 Response to Arbitrary, Step and Pulse Excitations (Response to unit impulse, Response to arbitrary force, Step force, Ramp or Linearly increasing force, Step force with rise time)
6 Numerical Evaluation of Dynamic Response (Selected topics such as; Central Difference Method, Newmarks)
7 Earthquake Response of Linear Systems (Earthquake excitation, Equation of motion, Response quantities, Response history, Response spectrum concept, Deformation- pseudo velocity- pseudo acceleration, response spectra, Peak structural response from the response spectrum);
8 Midterm
9 Earthquake Response of Inelastic Systems (Force-deformation relations, Normalized yield strength-ductility factor, Equation of motion and controlling parameters, Effects of yielding, Response spectrum for yield deformation and strength, Yield strength and deformation from response spectrum, Yield strength-ductility relation);
10 Generalized SDOF Systems (Selected topics; Generalized SDOF systems, rigid-body assemblages, Systems with distributed mass and elasticity
11 Generalized SDOF Systems (Selected topics; Generalized SDOF systems, rigid-body assemblages, Systems with distributed mass and elasticity
12 Free Vibration of MDOF Systems; (Natural vibration frequencies and Modes, Free vibration response)
13 Dynamic Analysis and Response of Linear Systems (Two-degree of freedom systems, Modal analysis)
14 Earthquake Response of Linear Systems (Modal analysis, Multistory buildings with symmetric plan, Peak response from earthquake response, Multistory buildings with symmetric plan);


Course Materials

Course Materials

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